Dental bonding is a cosmetic solution to various imperfections with our teeth. To cover the imperfections, Dr. Frey uses a composite resin made from a mixture of ceramic and plastic. He bonds this material to the teeth being addressed, hence the name of the procedure. The concept of tooth bonding is similar to porcelain veneers, but the process is simpler and the cost is lower. Plus, Dr. Frey usually can perform dental bonding in a single appointment. Tooth bonding is a versatile way to create a perfect smile in an incredibly short period of time.

Dental Bonding And Veneers Bring Pam H’s Smile To Life


Dental Bonding Benefits

Dr. Frey uses bonding to cosmetically fix these problems:

●  Minor chips on teeth
●  Teeth with minor cracks
●  Uneven or misshapen teeth
●  Gaps between teeth
●  Discolored teeth than cannot be whitened

Tooth Bonding Candidates

Since every one of us has at least some cosmetic issue with our teeth, pretty much anyone would be a candidate for dental bonding. The only prerequisite is that the underlying teeth be healthy. Bonding is strictly cosmetic and doesn’t address issues such as decay, severely cracked teeth, or serious alignment problems that are causing bite problems and the like.

Because Dr. Frey applies the bonding resin in layers, he is able to reshape a tooth, improve the line of your smile, and cover most cosmetic problems. Still, there are times when the more elaborate procedures of placing porcelain veneers or crowns may be a better solution. You’ll discuss this during your consultation.
Dental Bonding Treatment

Dental Bonding Treatment

When you think of dental bonding, you can compare it with sculpting. That’s where Dr. Frey’s artistic sense comes into play because he can truly remake your smile through bonding. The first step is to lightly etch the teeth being bonded. This makes for a better bond between the resin and the tooth surface. Next, Dr. Frey uses a shade guide to precisely match the color of your natural teeth. The resin is applied in small increments, building up the contour and depth, depending on the problems with the individual teeth. There is plenty of give and take between Dr. Frey and you, as he works through the process.

When the two of you are satisfied, the resin is cured with an argon laser. This rapidly bonds the resin to the enamel of the teeth. Now, Dr. Frey tests your bite and shaves away any high points. When the look and feel is right, your teeth are polished and your new smile is ready to take public!

Many dental bonds can be applied in just one visit, and there’s little to no recovery time afterward. An argon laser is used to set the bond in just 5-10 seconds.

Dental Bonding Before & After

Dental Bonding Before & After

Is Dental Bonding Different From Crowns Or Veneers?

Dental Bonding Different from Crowns or Veneers
Dental bonding is a relatively conservative procedure, and requires less reduction of the natural tooth than crowns or veneers. Teeth bonding can also be an alternative treatment for porcelain veneers patients in Beverly Hills who wish to cover up minor imperfections in the smile. Its a good intermediate material that can last for a short while. They are not as strong as the porcelain veneers and they will not last as long. The color may not be completely stable over time, but the price is less expensive than lab generated porcelain veneers.

Tooth Bonding Vs. Veneers

Both bonding and veneers have the same intent — to cover cosmetic imperfections in your teeth — but they do it in different ways. With veneers, a minor amount of your tooth enamel is shaved off to make room for the thin porcelain veneers to be cemented to the fronts of the teeth being treated. In bonding, composite resin is applied in thin layers to the top of the enamel. It is sculpted to fit the need, cured, and then polished.

The resin used in bonding is more resistant to staining than your tooth’s natural enamel, but it can stain. Porcelain is even more resistant to staining and is very durable. Porcelain veneers last longer than bonding, but are also a good deal more expensive. Veneers require two appointments for preparation and application; bonding is usually done in a single appointment.

Will The New Bond Match The Color Of My Natural Teeth?

The material is available in multiple shades, so Dr. Frey will use a shade that closely matches the patient’s teeth.  We ensure that the new bonding material closely matches the color of your natural teeth; however, you may consider a teeth whitening first.

Can Dental Bonding Be Whitened?

Teeth whitening gel is not believed to damage dental bonding. However, most dentists do not recommend whitening teeth that have been bonded. The reaction of resin to the whitening agent is unpredictable and may not match that of natural enamel. The patient may be left with what is called a chameleon effect, in which part of the tooth is lighter than other parts. For the most cohesive shade, patients may be advised to whiten their teeth before dental bonding is applied.
Dental Bonding Whitening

How Long Does It Take To Bond A Tooth?

The bonding process is approached with care, applying each layer of resin independently to achieve lifelike contours and shading. Each tooth can require 30 to 60 minutes of attention for the best results. The total time of treatment is also dependent on the addition of other dental services, such as fillings, crowns, or teeth whitening.

Is Dental Bonding Permanent?

Dental bonding is not a permanent solution for structural or cosmetic irregularities. The dental resin that is applied to teeth during bonding treatment typically lasts well for approximately 10 years. Habits and daily care also influence how long bonding can last. Brushing, flossing, and smart food choices can decrease the rate at which bonding dulls. Avoiding using teeth as tools and maintaining regular dental exams and cleanings support the extended lifespan of bonding.

Does Dental Bonding Ruin Your Teeth?

There are no major risks associated with dental bonding. Teeth that are bonded are not reduced, only etched slightly. Therefore, a patient can choose to have the resin removed at any time if they wish. While it would not cause damage, it is important to keep in mind that the resin applied to teeth is not as strong as enamel and may separate or chip under certain circumstances.
Dental Bonding Painful

Is Tooth Bonding Painful?

Dental bonding is usually a pain-free procedure, though we do practice sedation and sleep dentistry for patients who are not 100% comfortable during dental procedures.

How Much Does It Cost To Bond A Tooth?

Dental bonding is a relatively inexpensive treatment option on the spectrum of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Several factors influence the total cost of care, including the training and experience of the providing dentist. Additionally, the extent of care provided will affect cost. During his thorough consultation and examination of cosmetic concerns, Dr. Frey develops a complete treatment plan that brings the teeth that show in the smile together in a harmonious way. Our team provides a cost outline detailing bonding as well as any other services that are being considered.

Schedule A Consultation

If you would like to learn more about teeth bonding and if you are a good candidate, call (310) 276 4537 to schedule a consultation with David S. Frey, DDS.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do braces last longer than Invisalign?

For most patients, Invisalign takes about 12 to 18 months. However, those with very mild cases often see results within the first 6 months, while those with more severe cases may need up to 24 months. Traditional braces usually take about 12 to 18 months, with some patients needing up to 24 months. Very rarely does it take less time to treat malocclusion with traditional braces.

Is Invisalign covered by insurance?

Some dental insurance providers will cover dental insurance, while others will not. Our office staff will be happy to contact your provider to determine coverage. We strive to help you get the most out of your benefits.

What teeth are not suitable for Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners are not suitable for baby teeth or for teeth that are severely rotated or with large gaps between them.

Is it OK to get Invisalign from a dentist?

Yes, you can get Invisalign treatment through a general dentist. However, it is important to make sure that they are an Invisalign provider. This is because this treatment option requires specialized treatment to ensure the best results.

Is Invisalign still braces?

Yes, Invisalign clear aligners are considered a type of orthodontic treatment. However, this option is much more comfortable, convenient, and aesthetically pleasing than traditional metal braces.

How many times a day can I remove Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners can be removed as many times as necessary- but the time should not exceed 4 hours. While the aligners need to be removed when eating/drinking or when brushing/flossing, the longer they are worn, the more effective they will be.

Who is a bad candidate for Invisalign?

Patients who still have baby teeth or who have teeth with wide gaps between them or teeth that are severely rotated should not consider Invisalign treatment. It is possible to use Invisalign after other methods for more precise movements.

What is the success rate of Invisalign?

The success of Invisalign depends on several factors including the type and severity of the malocclusion, as well as the compliance of the patient. Most patients have been satisfied with their results.

How long do you need to wear Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners should be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day. Each set should be worn for 1 to 3 weeks. This will be outlined in your treatment plan, depending on the type and severity of your malocclusion.

Why is Invisalign so expensive?

One of the primary reasons that orthodontic treatment in general is expensive is because of the additional training the dentist needs. Invisalign is slightly more expensive due to the many benefits it brings.

Is Invisalign costlier than braces?

One of the biggest concerns that patients have is Invisalign cost. However, the average cost is comparable to that of traditional braces. Unfortunately, while many dental insurance providers will cover a portion of treatment, many others still classify this as a cosmetic procedure and will not cover any portion of it.

If you do not have insurance or if your provider does not cover treatment, we offer some financing options as well.

How much does Invisalign cost in California?

The cost of Invisalign treatment varies depending on several factors including the type and severity of your malocclusion the location of the clinic and the experience/expertise of the dentist. The average cost in California ranges from around $4,500 to $9,000, which is slightly higher than the national average.

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